Saturday, December 28, 2013

May our souls rest in peace - A Man.

I'm returning to the keyboard after a long break from writing. The reason for the break was that I had run out of creative juice to write up anything, Not that anything has changed now. But who needs creative juices to write? If every writer is this world were to be phenomenal, exceptional and brilliant, the world will soon become a boring place. We need mediocrity in this world. And I dedicate this piece to all those mediocre people of the world, and I am also a part of them.

This world is a giant factory. Everyone has jobs that they must do with utmost integrity for the smooth and efficient functioning of this factory. Plus, like every other factory this one has it's own goals and agendas. As long these goals are being met as required, the factory will not give two shits about the people who run it. How often do you find a factory where the manual labor is the prime interest of concern? Rarely. Those who are employed to work at the assembly line barely matter to the FatAss "Lords of the factory". If one of these employees dies, it doesn't not even effect the factory much; as long as there is another person waiting to take up the vacant position.

Our world works in a similar fashion. Ultimately all that we are is units that make the big machines run(govts, companies, organizations, and economies). We, the common man, serve no other purpose other than that of numbers. The more the number of workers, the more the output. It does not matter that we commoners might have aspirations or ambitions. It is our duty to follow the herd and keep the turbines running, so that those above us may reap the rewards.

I am honestly very tired of being part of this fodder. This mediocre plane, which the world does not appreciate enough. We all just drool over the ones who are brilliant at what they do( like accomplished authors, scientists, great minds, politicians, and what the fuck not) while we feel inadequate and dissatisfied about our own selves.


 We keep forgetting that these great minds are no different from us. They posses the same biological anatomy, the same mental processes, and the same number of limbs. They weren't sent here from a superior planet, to come and induce great moments of history in our lives. They are the just the same as us. They were all mediocre, before the world took notice of them and began to perceive their work to be more than mediocre.

The world is a shitty place. Learn that. Embrace that. It is the people that make it less of a shitty place. But who has time to chew on that truth? Everyone has their eyes peeled on that imaginary carrot that dangles in front of them. Everyone is blissfully ignorant of the truth that this carrot is being held in place by those narcissistic capitalist spearheads that only care about that green paper, whilst they lay ruin to this beautiful world of ours and our minds, by polluting and intoxicating us with their heavily fabricated lies of status recognition and desire.

(look at that, it's in full HD resolution)

 Humans deserve more than being slaves to currency. Humans deserve more than just being consumed by their own creations. Or that would be the case in an Ideal World. But if a species is foolish enough to be consumed by it's own "gears and levers", then maybe it deserves the fate at its hands. Maybe humans are not meant for greatness. Maybe it's true calling lies dormant at the wake of its own ruin.

Why am I ranting about all this? Because the forces that cause the above are the same forces that call us mediocre. Creating levels and ranking systems, so that we start calculating what we deserve and begin to believe that it is our right. And when this right is not fulfilled we become jealous, nasty, back-biting beings that just care about what they deserve. A lot of people get trampled in this. A lot of people just become foot notes in History.

I guess, that is what we all fear in the end. Fear of being forgotten and discarded, like that carton of sour milk you just found in your fridge. Is this a real fear? A fear that if you ignore you will die right away?
Let's compare that with a real valid fear. Imagine you are standing in the middle of the road, playing with a yoyo, and suddenly out of nowhere you hear a loud blaring horn of a goods truck speeding towards you, five fucking feet away from your face!! That tickling sensation of butterflies in your stomach that you would feel right then is what I call "real fear". Real fear that if you ignore, you will most certainly die. (Now in this situation even if you don't, you will most certainly die, but that's an entirely different argument.)

The fear of being forgotten or not being recognized is not a "real fear". That's just being scared that society is not going to accept you as a worthy member of its communion. You know what I say to that?


Society is the biggest fuck up of the modern world. If we really want to progress as a species, we need to put something big right up Society's "behind" and blow it up. *BOOM* We need to wipe Society off the face of the earth. But, that would be paradoxical, wouldn't it? Destroying millions and millions of lives in order to move forward... Wait, we're already doing that! *scraps idea* NEXT!!

But, it's true. You, me and the person next to you don't need to be afraid of a pack of wolves tearing our limbs apart. "What?!! You flunked your degree? OMFHBBMOG!!! (Oh My Freaking Holy Blasphemous Bitchy Mother Of God)......You're a dead man walking, you know that? Dead man."

Aren't we supposed to be an evolved race? Why does it feel like we are evolving in the WRONG FUCKING DIRECTION. You don't believe me? I have proof. Look at the Judges of the supreme court of India.

And finally, I'd like to end this post by dedicating this song to all the Gay Men and Women around the world, especially in India. Perseverance and Strength. Enjoy.
Manowar - Warriors of The World

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Sweet Juana

Being a druggie is hard. Thanks to the world, society and governments all over, people believe that we druggies just sit and do nothing. I beg to differ. We do more than sober people. Just that nobody sees it. 

Well sure if you actually sit down and compare our lives, you could come to the conclusion that sober people have more productive lives. But, let's step outside of norms for the time being. What does one mean by being productive? 

If you think being productive means fulfilling what the government says you must do to, to  be a law abiding and useful citizen, well, ummm..... slave much?

Well, I'm not calling you a blind minded fuck who believes you're not being a slave to the government, I'm just saying it could end up there if we are not careful. Just saying. But that's just my Anti-State Sentiments(ASS) bubbling to the surface. You are free to disregard it. 

I simply feel a government that is ok with this well, upto something. Don't you think? No? Oh ok, maybe it's just me then. 

So where was I? Oh yes, druggie productivity. Hmm. Right. One second. Need to formulate this a little. 

We druggies are intellectual beings that create, destroy and recreate in the world of the Never. We come across brilliant ideas, innovations, discoveries, truths, and so much more. Though, before we can do something about it, you sober people attack us and we are forced to defend ourselves. In which time, that Train of Thought has left our mind space, and returned back to the world of the Never. Opportunity knocks only once, and we were too busy opening the door for you (sober people). Come on, sober people, cut us some slack will ya?

Do you even know how hard it is to cross a busy street when you are dead stoned, and when it is freaking dark? There are balls of light zooming at you from different directions, and you can't afford to panic and freak out and shit. You need to walk straight, in an orderly fashion, so as to not confuse the oncoming traffic into making stupid mistakes and causing a huge fucking "pile on" of a road accident. But it's possible. We do it on a daily basis. We carry a huge burden, and we carry it without you ever getting to know about it. 

Now, as I talk about being high, I would like to remove the-high-induced-by-C6H12O6 out of this, because...haha, when it comes to that area - it's every man for himself. Let's just leave that there. I have no control over what the fuck I do when I'm drunk. And that shit is legal. Government logic. I guess money really speaks to them, huh? But, I shouldn't be one to judge.

And Marijuana is illegal!? 
"Of course! That's wrong. Why would we openly start selling something that will put our buddies, the tobacco companies all over, in jeopardy? No no no no. No fucking way. I sentence this idiot to five years of imprisonment for disrupting peace, spreading harmful ideas, and challenging my sense of logic. Take him out of my sight." 


Sorry, I got a little emotional there. Just my ASS acting up again. I should control it. The CIA might read this. (CIA, if you are reading this - I will NOT marry juana. I swear. I promise. I am against racism. You should be too. No no. Just saying.) 

So are you getting my drift here? Do you understand why it no longer pays to be the law abiding citizen anymore? (Actually when did it ever?) Anywhooo. I think I over used my Freedom of Expression Right. Should shut up. And give something sweet for the ears. 

May Juana bless the soul of Dick Dale & the Del-Tones for this song:

Miserlou By Dick Dale & the Del-Tones in the movie Pulp Fiction. 

Ramblin' Bamblin'

Alright, I think this blog of mine requires a little bit of revamping. The quality of posts has been a little on the downside.

But I guess I think I need to first come to terms with the fact that I am boring. Both to myself and other people. And I indulge myself a lot. A lot of the time.

Anyways, as I attempt to write the blog post, I find myself feeling empty. Unable to churn out anything for the moment. I guess I can't. Not that I usually churn out something all the time. Anyway, enough of self-retrospection.

I've been reading quite a few blog posts recently. Good blog posts. So good that I start to feel insecure about myself as I finish reading them. I wonder how are people so well informed all the time? Where do they find all this time to keep themselves informed? Maybe because they are not in their world inside their little heads like I am all the time. Maybe that should tell me something.

And a blog shouldn't be about me questions to myself.

Let's end on that note.

And this song:
El Salvador by Grand Funk Railroad

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Alone in the dark.

What do you do when the world doesn't make sense to you? Or how do you learn to cope with the world when you realize your own uselessness?

Do you accept fate or whatever you want to term it? Or do you stand up despite the circumstances and be labeled arrogant?

I don't know how to answer these questions. All I can see is my future crumbling down and turning into dust, constantly. How do you walk into a future like that, without the slightest sense of fatality and discouragement?

Where does one the find courage to walk into darkness knowing things will come to an end? Where does one find the strength to do that? How do I that, when I myself am convinced that I cannot do anything about it?

Belief? But how do you know that your belief is not blind when you are the only person who believes whatever you believe? How can you test that it is not utter horseshit? And by chance, if you do know that it is not horseshit, how do you convince the world to share your perspective?

Ultimately how do you know that you yourself aren't speaking horseshit?
When you are in doubt how do you convince the world to think otherwise?

Where do you find absolute answers to such questions, that pop up all the time. In my experience, there is no place in the world that can answer these questions with absolute certainty. The world at best can provide you with suggestions or advice. How do I answer these unanswerable questions?

I cannot to ignore them and go on because, the world, the society demands answers. Answers that I do not have, which in the eyes of the world is equivalent to being to wrong and 'in over one's head'.
Does not having a plan for the future make me a liability to society? Cannot I not live in the moment and improvise?

What is the point of making plans if life does not let you keep them? What good is a plan that will be discarded before it is implemented? What good is it to plan when you don't know the future yourself?

These just maybe thoughts of a incapable, lazy mind. My mind. I'm not the best the human race has to offer, in fact, I maybe the worst. Zero productive and a large waste of space.

How does one combat one's own uselessness, even after knowing so? I know the answer to that, and the answer is - to do something. Something that has significance and meaning in this world and to the people in this world. But, knowing is not equivalent to doing. It takes a lot to convert the former into the latter. Something, I fear, I might not have.

"All words and no action." I fear my own fatality. My own lack of inspiration to do, to create something in this world. This will be the end of me. And all, I feel is helplessness. Watching myself slowly burn down to the ground and all I am doing is watching it happen; distant, unmotivated and fatalistic.

I am afraid that I will not have the strength to save myself when the time comes. And I don't think that there could be anything worse than that.

At times like these, I wish an angel would appear out of nowhere and guide me in to the light. But, all I have is myself. There is not much comfort I can take from that. But I guess, that will have to do, for now.